Environmental Management Cleanup Forum

Hosted by the Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office and N3B

October 26, 2022

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Hybrid Meeting

In-person: Fuller Lodge, 2131 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM

Virtual Meeting: Details Below

Virtual Meeting Information  

Webex Meeting: https://n3b-la.webex.com/n3b-la/j.php?MTID=mc6102e3148355be4949c8e3fbde660a8

Meeting Number (access code): 2763 409 5769

Meeting Password: eYJbwmDZ967


Join by Phone: 1-415-527-5035 

If you have any questions, please contact N3Boutreach@em-la.doe.gov.


5:30 pm


  • Purpose of the meeting
  • Safety & Ethics
Kristin Henderson (N3B)
5:35 pm

Opening Remarks

  • FY22 Highlights
  • EM-LA Strategic Vision
Michael Mikolanis (EM-LA)
5:45 pm

LANL Legacy Cleanup: Corrugated Metal Pipes

  • Context for the discussion
  • Overview of the project

(Download Presentation)

Kim Lebak (N3B)

Ellen Gammon (N3B)

6:20 pm

Community Discussion: Cleanup Priorities

  • Introduction
  • Questions/comments: Limit 3 minutes per person
Kristin Henderson (N3B)
7:25 pmClosing CommentsMichael Mikolanis (EM-LA)
7:30 pmAdjourn


Produced by N3B Los Alamos, the Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contractor,
on behalf of DOE’s Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office.