N3B manages the Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contract for the U.S. Department of Energy.
N3B manages the 10-year, $2.1 billion Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contract for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office. N3B is responsible for cleaning up contamination that resulted from LANL operations before 1999. N3B personnel also package and ship radioactive and hazardous waste off-site for permanent disposal.
Our employees and subcontractors work to the highest standards of safety.
We set clear goals and execute our plans with the end in mind.
We have the staff and expertise to ensure our mission is met.
Our Top Priorities
In cleaning up legacy waste, or waste generated before 1999, we are working in two key areas: Environmental Remediation and Waste Management. Our goal is to clean up the environment and protect our natural resources.
Environmental Remediation
Groundwater and surface water monitoring, chromium and RDX plume monitoring, and waste site characterization and remediation
Waste Management
Hazardous and radioactive waste characterization, management, packaging and transportation off-site for permanent disposal
News & Highlights
EM-LA, N3B to discuss FY23 cleanup progress at Cleanup Forum on Nov. 1
October 24, 2023 - EM-LA and N3B will hold an Environmental Management Cleanup Forum on Nov. 1 to discuss recent legacy waste cleanup progress...
N3B to hold two meetings outlining funding opportunities for NNM nonprofits
October 19, 2023 - N3B will be holding two public meetings to share its Community Commitment Program with area nonprofit organizations, along with information...
Local students complete N3B waste operator boot camp
October 3, 2023 - LOS ALAMOS, N.M. – Twelve newly trained nuclear waste processing operators received their nuclear waste processor or handler certifications last...