Hexavalent chromium project expert technical review on agenda for April 18 EMCF

LOS ALAMOS, N.M.—An update on the Hexavalent Chromium Project Expert Technical Review is on the agenda for the next Environmental Management Cleanup Forum (EMCF). It will be held April 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m. MDT, at the SALA Event Center in Los Alamos. A virtual option to participate will also be available.

Dr. Inés Triay, interim dean of the College of Engineering and Computing at Florida International University and lead for the Expert Technical Review Team, will join the meeting virtually to provide an overview on the scope and team members. A question and answer period will follow.

The purpose of the 15-member team is to review the effectiveness of the interim measures system to control the hexavalent chromium plume in Mortandad Canyon at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and to obtain data necessary to propose a final remedy to the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED).

The review team membership was jointly agreed upon by the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office (EM-LA) and NMED.

The EMCF is held four times a year to discuss progress on cleanup of legacy waste at LANL. It is sponsored by EM-LA and Newport News Nuclear BWXT Los Alamos (N3B), the legacy cleanup contractor at Los Alamos.

EM-LA and N3B invite those who would like to learn more about the status of the expert review to attend the meeting. For meeting information, including login details for the virtual meeting, visit: https://n3b-la.com/emcf_apr_18_2024/.


Media Contact:   Sarah Jimenez
sarah.jimenez@em-la.doe.gov  1-505-538-5865